HT42B534 USB 2 UART Board

A simple USB to UART board. Designed with KiCad. Manufactured and tested.

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How to use

  1. Plug USB to your PC
  2. Wire VIO to either V33O(3.3V) or VDD(5V)
  3. Connect TX, RX & GND (optionally VIO) to other devices

The voltage of RX/TX should match VIO.

Bill of Materials

Reference, Value, Footprint, Datasheet, Product

USB Device Info

lsusb output:

$ lsusb
Bus 000 Device 001: ID 04d9:b534 Holtek Semiconductor, Inc. USB TO UART BRIDGE  Serial: 0000

System Information:


  Product ID:   0xb534
  Vendor ID:    0x04d9  (Holtek Semiconductor, Inc.)
  Version:  2.10
  Serial Number:    0000
  Speed:    Up to 12 Mb/s
  Manufacturer: HOLTEK
  Location ID:  0x00142000 / 12
  Current Available (mA):   500
  Current Required (mA):    100
  Extra Operating Current (mA): 0